the mission
Our mission is to bring good into your home AND your community. We provide a flexible way to connect and contribute to local community needs through our high-quality products. We engage people and their communities by making a donation for each product sold to local non-profits addressing community needs.
taking our mission
step by step
step one
create a platform to raise awareness for local and national community needs
step two
make it easy for people to give back to a community in need with a gorgeous and high quality product
step three
donate to a local non-profit for every item purchased!
step four
allow non-profits the flexibility to serve anyone in need
step five
build a community of people who love to give back and host volunteer days at local-non profits

starting local
We're starting local in Plano, Texas with Minnie's Food Pantry. Minnie's is a non-government-funded food pantry focused on helping people become more food secure. We have already donated enough to cover 15,000 meals and we're just getting started!
what to know about
food insecurity
20% of Texas Children Experience Hunger
1 in 5 Texas Children experience hunger and this can lead to ongoing health problems for the rest of their lives.
Food prices are at the highest in decades
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture projects all food prices to increase. While inflation is driving the rise in demand from food pantries, it is also causing fewer donations
1 in 6 Latinx households in the United States struggles with hunger
Latinx communities in Texas face hunger at a higher rate. More than 18% of Latinx children are at risk of hunger
Texas has one of the highest hunger rates in the Nation
3.6 Million Texans rely on SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) and the average SNAP benefit in TX is $1.97 per meal
Local food pantries have struggled to keep up with demand since 2020 after 20 million jobs were lost
The rising cost of food since the pandemic has made it harder for both low income families and food pantries alike to keep people fed
1.8 million Texas children live in households where access to food is limited
Over 4 million Texans experience food insecurity, or a difficulty meeting basic food need